Would you let people kiss your baby on the lips?

PHOTO: Julius Malema Instagram

On Tuesday EFF leader Julius Malema posted a beautiful family picture on Instagram.
His wife and eldest son stand on either side of him as he holds his youngest son in his arms and smiles for the pic. His caption, however, had a very different message to convey to his 161 000 followers.
“Let’s avoid kissing other people’s kids on the lips please,” it said.
This added fuel to the widespread debate as to whether parents should actually allow other people to kiss their babies on the lips.
DRUM took to Facebook to ask followers if they would allow another person to kiss their babies on the lips and why.
Here are the responses.
 Melissa Govender from Durban commented, “NO!!!! Hygiene is so important and with all the developing infections why risk it.
“My baby suffered a terrible reaction on his face because people would not listen when we asked them not to kiss! It irks me!”

Daisy Makgongoane said, “Actually all babies should not be kissed on their mouths at all, whether it’s yours or not.
“Babies are more sensitive to all kinds of dirt, so adults’ mouths have more bacteria or germs that are not visible to the human eye,” he wrote.

Kholofelo Ragedi agreed with Daisy and Melissa and agreed that this would mean putting a baby at risk of getting sick.
“It's not right...hygiene is super important when it comes to kids... with what we do with our mouths, kissing babies on the lips will only be putting their health at risk!”

The general opinions were that babies shouldn’t be kissed on their mouths by anyone who isn’t family.

Two years ago a mother from Doncaster shared a shocking photograph of her baby a few days after a family friend has kissed her on the mouth.
The new-born had been infected with herpes (HSV-1).

On the Facebook post she warned all mothers to not allow other people to kiss their children on the mouth.
“Do not let anyone kiss your new-borns mouth, even if they don't look like they have a cold sore- 85 per cent of the population carry the virus,” she warned.
“And if someone had a cold sore ask them to stay away until it has gone,” she advised.


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